Home » Is This Video of President Uhuru Kenyatta Watching Lawyer Otiende Amollo Doctored?

Is This Video of President Uhuru Kenyatta Watching Lawyer Otiende Amollo Doctored?

By Simon Muli

This YouTube video shows President Uhuru Kenyatta watching lawyer Otiende Amollo making submissions on the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) at the Court of Appeal.

The image shows the Kenyan president, with his hand raised, sitting with another person inside a boardroom and following the proceedings on one of the two television sets in the room.

The title of the video is, “Uhuru reacts after listening to lawyer Otiende Amollos [sic] brilliant submission during BBI appeal case”.

The video is dated 30 June 2021, the day Amollo made submissions before the Court of Appeal.

The bottom of the screen of the YouTube video bears a watermark of State House Kenya, common with images issued by the Presidential Press Unit.


PesaCheck ran a reverse image search on one of the frames of the footage which revealed that the video had been created by doctoring an image of President Kenyatta during a virtual US Chamber of Commerce Global Leaders’ Forum on Economic Recovery.

The image was taken on 19 May 2021, and the TV screen does not show Amollo making his submissions at the Court of Appeal as claimed. Instead, the TV screen shows other participants at the summit.


PesaCheck has looked into a YouTube video claiming to show President Uhuru Kenyatta watching lawyer Otiende Amollo making his submission on the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) at the Court of Appeal, and finds it to be ALTERED.

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