Does This Image Show Police Dispersing a Crowd Gathered to Crucify ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’?

By Alphonce Wadenya

A tweet bearing an image of teargas lobbed in a remote area claims to depict scenes at Yesu wa Tongaren’s home. The caption further claims that the police were allegedly forced to use teargas to disperse the crowd that gathered to crucify him.


Yesu wa Tongaren, his official name Eliud Wekesa is a man living in Bungoma County who claims to be Jesus Christ. As Christians celebrated Good Friday on April 7, 2023, Yesu wa Tongaren declared that he would not be crucified for a second time. His response came after concerns that unruly people would raid his home to reenact the biblical crucifixion. 


A reverse image search reveals that the image was initially shared by Kileleshwa Member of Parliament Robert Alai on June 12, 2020. The image is from popular Ohangla musician Abenny Jachinga’s funeral. The fans and mourners protested what they termed a “hurried burial” and blocked the body from being lowered into the grave. Police were then forced to lob tear gas canisters to disperse them. 


Claims that the image shows police lobbing teargas to disperse a crowd gathering to crucify Yesu wa Tongaren are FALSE.

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