Home » Does This Image Show Athlete Janeth Jepkosgei and Her Daughter?

Does This Image Show Athlete Janeth Jepkosgei and Her Daughter?

By Simon Muli

Facebook post claims to show athlete Janeth Jepkosgei and her daughter at a competitive athletic event.

The post contains two images accompanied by a message repeating the claim.


reverse search of the first image brings up an article by sporting-heroes.net, which describes itself as a photographic encyclopedia of sports. The report states that the picture shows Kipkosgei, and the image contains the publication’s watermark. According to the description, the photo was taken by photographer George Herringshaw on 8 August 2012.

reverse image search of the second photo did not return any credible results to verify whether it showed Jepkosgei’s daughter.

PesaCheck showed both images to Jepkosgei, who confirmed that her daughter is five years old and is not an athlete as claimed by the Facebook post in question.


PesaCheck has looked into the images claiming to show athlete Janeth Jepkosgei and her daughter at a competitive athletic event and finds them to be FALSE.

This story was produced by Africa Uncensored in partnership with Code for Africa with support from Deutsche Welle Akademie.

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