Home » Does This Video Show the Aftermath of Floods in Turkana?

Does This Video Show the Aftermath of Floods in Turkana?

This tweet claims to show livestock submerged in what looks like an overflowed river in Turkana. However, how legitimate are these claims?


Based on the relatively low annual rains experienced, over 80% of Kenya’s land is classified as Arid and Semi-arid lands (ASAL). That is to mean that these areas are particularly susceptible to drought and flooding. One of these areas is Turkana county.


A reverse image search from keyframes of this video reveals that this was taken in Laisamis, Marsabit County.

According to a Citizen TV report, these floods caused great destruction which amounts to the death of close to 300 goats. Further, on the same date, November 29, 2021, a number of tweets shared this video. These tweets indicate that the flash floods were experienced in Laisamis.


NO, this video does not show livestock washed away by floods in Turkana.

This story was produced by Africa Uncensored in partnership with Code for Africa with support from Deutsche Welle Akademie.

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