Home » Do These Images Show Flooding in Taita Taveta as Claimed?

Do These Images Show Flooding in Taita Taveta as Claimed?

For regions considered to be Arid and Semi-Arid lands, unpredictable changes in climate can cause greater harm than good, especially when it floods. These images, for instance, claim to show damage caused by floods in Taita Taveta. Are these claims accurate?

screenshot of https://twitter.com/EuroEcoWarrior/status/1467801837344636928


According to a report by ReliefWeb, the last three consecutive poor rainy seasons in Arid and Semi-Arid lands exhausted families’ coping capacities, leaving over 2.9 million in urgent need of humanitarian aid. The report adds that drought in these areas significantly hampered crop production and damaged livestock leaving close to 2.4 million people food insecure.


The first image showing children on a causeway was taken in Central Australia. According to a reverse image search, the Todd River had swollen in Alice Springs. According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, this happened in January 2010.

The second image was on the other hand taken on November 30, 2021. From this reverse image search, an article by Standard Media Group attributes this to flash floods experienced in Taita Taveta.

The same image was published by The Star on the same day. Most of the affected areas were Kimorigo, Msengoni, Lambo and Marodo, all from Mata and Mahoo wards. It further adds, apart from floods, over 2,071 cattle, 451 sheep and 265 goats have died in the region due to drought.


Images claiming to show damage caused by floods in Taita Taveta are partly FALSE.

This story was produced by Africa Uncensored in partnership with Code for Africa with support from Deutsche Welle Akademie.

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