Home » Is This a Photo of a Protest in Algeria?

Is This a Photo of a Protest in Algeria?

This image (see above and below) has surfaced within Kenya’s social media spaces claiming to be of a demonstration that took place in Algeria in 2019.

It has been shared as a tweet by quite a number of accounts. This particular one was shared on April 18, 2021.


A question arises as to why this photo is being shared within Kenyan social media spaces.

During the weekend of 17th and 18th April 2021, police closed major highways in and out of Nairobi to enforce the curfew that currently runs between 8pm and 4am. This attracted massive outrage from Kenyans on Twitter. Videos of motorists stuck in the snarl-up show ambulances trying to manoeuvre their route out.

Additionally, there were discussions around the hashtags #RevolutionNow and #UNLOCKourCOUNTRY, the latter having been around since the latest partial lockdown orders were announced, expressing disapproval of the roadblocks that were set up by the police.


From the image, there are a few pointers that this image was taken in Algeria. The man in the foreground is seen wearing a t-shirt with the Algerian flag printed on it. There is also an unidentifiable man carrying the Algerian flag just behind him.

An image reverse search shows this photo was first featured by Marxist in March 12, 2019. The same photo was later featured by Soicialist.ca in March 20, 2019. These protests started after President Abdelaziz Bouteflika announced that he would run for a fifth term of office. The protests were termed as a ‘revolution’ as they saw both President Bouteflika and his Prime Minister, Ahmed Ouyahia, step down.

This tweet, with the same photo, refers to these protests as the ‘Revolution of Smiles.’  They got the name from their positive, peaceful energy and shared humanitarian goals. The demonstrations reportedly united the whole country and saw Algerians rise from systemic corruption and walk out of the shadows of civil war.


It is TRUE this photo shows protests which took place in Algeria in 2019.


This story was produced by Africa Uncensored in partnership with Code for Africa with support from Deutsche Welle Akademie.

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